57 GUO

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Operator: Western National Fleet No: 2268
Chassis: Bristol MW6G Chassis No: 184.074
Body: ECW C39F Body No: 12241


Jun 61 In service with Western National Omnibus Company Limited, Exeter (2268)
Nov 69 Transferred to Bournemouth
Oct 74 On hire to Thames Valley & Aldershot Omnibus Company Limited, Reading
Nov 74 Returned to Western National Omnibus Company Limited, Exeter
Jan 75 On hire to Thames Valley & Aldershot Omnibus Company Limited, Reading
Jun 75 Returned to Western National Omnibus Company Limited, Exeter
<May 77 Transferred to St Austell
Aug 77 Out of service with Western National Omnibus Company Limited, Exeter (2268)
Aug 77 D J Green, Weymouth (dealer)
Sep 77 Mick Goddard, St Albans
  Conversion to Mobile Home
1990 John Forward, Mike & David Burgess, St. Albans
Dec 03 William Staniforth, Birmingham
Nov 07 Mike Ellis, Saul
Jun 20 John Howden, Shobdon

Status: Preserved as Western National 2268


Owner : Western National 2268

Location : Hyde Park Road, Portsmouth

Date : 1973


(C) Alan O Watkins


Owner : Western National 2268 (left) and Western National 2244 - 623 DDV (right)

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Brian Botley


Owner : Western National 2268

Location : Hyde Park Road, Portsmouth

Date : July 1970


(C) Fred York


Owner : Western National 2268

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Brian Botley


Owner : Western National 2268

Location : Not Known

Date : October 2008


(C) Mike Ellis


Owner : Western National 2268

Location : Not Known

Date : June 2020


(C) John Howden