271 HNU

Home History Specification Survivors Fleet No Chassis No Operators Contractors Organisations Mobile Homes What's New

Operator: Midland General Fleet No: 273
Chassis: Bristol MW6G Chassis No: 139.125
Body: ECW DP43F Body No: 10478


May 59 In service with Midland General Omnibus Company Limited, Langley Mill (273)
Aug 68 Out of service with Midland General Omnibus Company Limited, Langley Mill  (273)
Aug 68 In service with Mansfield District Traction Company, Langley Mill (273)
1972 Fleet number changed to A273
1974 Out of service with Mansfield District Traction Company, Langley Mill(A273)
Jul 74 Western National Omnibus Company Limited, Exeter (3010)
1974 Repainted in NBC Green/White bus livery
Sep 74 In service with Western National Omnibus Company Limited, Exeter (3010)
May 77 Based at Seaton
1977 Out of service with Western National Omnibus Company Limited, Exeter (3010)
Oct 77 Paul Sykes Organisation Limited, Barnsley (dealer)

Owner : Midland General 273

Location : Nottingham

Date : December 1966


(C) Terry Walker


Owner : Western National 3010

Location : Helston depot

Date : Mid 1970s


(C) Terry Partridge


Owner : Western National 3110, 3009 & 1215

Location : Lyme Regis

Date : June 1977


(C) Pete Moody Collection