BNN 101C

Home History Specification Survivors Fleet No Chassis No Operators Contractors Organisations Mobile Homes What's New

Operator: Mansfield District Fleet No: 213
Chassis: Bristol MW6G Chassis No: 213.226
Body: ECW DP43F Body No: 14533


May 65 In service with Mansfield District Traction Company, Langley Mill (213)
1967 Converted to DP39F
Apr 68 Out of service with Mansfield District Traction Company, Langley Mill (213)
Apr 68 In service with Midland General Omnibus Company Limited, Langley Mill (213)
1969 Converted to DP43F
Oct 72 Fleet number changed to 135
Oct 76 Out of service with Midland General Omnibus Company Limited, Langley Mill (135)
Oct 76 In service with Trent Motor Traction Company Limited, Derby (135)
Nov 76 Out of service with Trent Motor Traction Company Limited, Derby (135)
Feb 77 NBC Eastern Region Disposal Centre, Bracebridge Heath (dealer)