OVL 468

Home History Specification Survivors Fleet No Chassis No Operators Contractors Organisations Mobile Homes What's New

Operator: Lincolnshire Fleet No: 2248
Chassis: Bristol MW5G Chassis No: 164.170
Body: ECW B45F Body No: 11854


Feb 61 In service with Lincolnshire Road Car Company Limited, Lincoln (2248)
Feb 61 Converted to B43F
1976 Out of service with Lincolnshire Road Car Company Limited, Lincoln (2248)
Apr 77 W Norths (PV) Limited, Sherburn-in-Elmet (dealer)
Oct 77 Glenside & Barrow Hospital Management Committee, Bristol
Jul 85 John Hembry, Bristol
Aug 96 Unidentified owner, Surrey
  Converted to mobile home
May 03 Chip Bishop, Rugby
<Feb 08 Andrew Beaumont, Warminster
Feb 08 Belgisch Brits Centrum, Sint Lenaartseweg
May 17 Peter Stopforth, Lowestoft
May 20 James Eastwood, Moreton
Dec 20 Andrew Pearson, North Muskham
~Jul 21 Unidentified Owner, Devon

Status: Preserved as Lincolnshire 2248


Owner : Lincolnshire 2248

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Brian Botley


Owner : Lincolnshire 2248

Location : Grantham depot

Date : Not Known


(C) John Hembry


Owner : Unidentified Owner

Location : Hersham

Date : 2002


(C) Mike Nash


Owner : Unidentified Owner

Location : Not Known

Date : February 2008


(C) Brian Botley


Owner : Lincolnshire 2248

Location : Not Known

Date : December 2009


(C) Erik Ronne


Owner : Lincolnshire 2248

Location : Not Known

Date : December 2009


(C) Erik Ronne