FEL 752D

Home History Specification Survivors Fleet No Chassis No Operators Contractors Organisations Mobile Homes What's New

Operator: Hants & Dorset Fleet No: 905
Chassis: Bristol MW6G Chassis No: 225.144
Body: ECW C39F Body No: 15741


Feb 66 In storage until Apr 66
Apr 66 In service with Hants & Dorset Motor Services Limited, Bournemouth (905)
1966 Indicators fitted with white perspex panels with Hants & Dorset/Holiday Tours in red
<Feb 68 Transferred to Southampton
Feb 68 Delicensed
mar 69 Relicensed and based at Southampton
Jul 69 Converted to C30F
Sep 71 Fleet number changed to 1017
May 74 Repainted in NBC Dual Purpose livery (Red & White)
Apr 77 Out of service with Hants & Dorset Motor Services Limited, Bournemouth (1017)
Jun 77 Martin's Bus & Coach Sales Limited, Middlewich (dealer)
  Converted to Mobile Home
1982 Ray Jones, Hawarden
<Apr 07 Tony Brown, Rushden (Chelveston Preservation Society
May 07

Bob and Philip White, Gaydon

Status: Survivor


Owner : Hants & Dorset 905

Location : West Street, Fareham

Date : September 1968


(C) Fred York


Owner : Unidentified Owner

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Brian Botley


Owner : Hants & Dorset 1017

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Keith Till


Owner : Hants & Dorset 1017

Location : Flint

Date : June 1997


(C) Ray Jones