OO 9549

Home History Specification Survivors Fleet No Chassis No Operators Contractors Organisations Mobile Homes What's New

Operator: Eastern National Fleet No: 563
Chassis: Bristol MW6G Chassis No: 195.029
Body: ECW C34F Body No: 12816


May 62 In service with Eastern National Omnibus Company Limited, Chelmsford (563)
Aug 64 Fleet number changed to 361
Jan 71 Out of service with Eastern National Omnibus Company Limited, Chelmsford  (361)
Jan 71 In service with Tillings Travel (NBC) Limited, Chelmsford  (9361)
Jul 73 On loan to Oxford Bus Company Limited, Oxford (TG7)
Jul 73 Returned to Tillings Travel (NBC) Limited, Chelmsford
1973 Out of service with Tillings Travel (NBC) Limited, Chelmsford (9361)
Oct 73 Atomic Power Constructions Limited, London WC1 (76) (contractor)

Owner : Eastern National 563

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Brian Botley


Owner : Eastern National 361

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Jeff Lloyd Collection


Owner : Eastern National 361

Location : Salisbury

Date : Not Known


(C) Brian Botley


Owner : Atomic Power Constructions

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Brian Botley