7015 HK

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Operator: Eastern National Fleet No: 456
Chassis: Bristol MW6G Chassis No: 135.104
Body: ECW C39F Body No: 10143


May 58 In service with Eastern National Omnibus Company Limited, Chelmsford (456)
Aug 64 Fleet number changed to 329
Sep 70 Out of service with Eastern National Omnibus Company Limited, Chelmsford (329)
Mar 71 Barnson, Ilford
May 72 Baker, Dagenham
  In service with Blue Line Coaches Limited, Upminster
  Out of service with Blue Line Coaches Limited, Upminster
Feb 74 In service with Rennies Lion & Comfort Coaches Limited, Dunfermline
  Out of service with Rennies Lion & Comfort Coaches Limited, Dunfermline

Owner : Eastern National 456

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Brian Botley