937 RAE

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Operator: Bristol Omnibus Fleet No: 2578
Chassis: Bristol MW5G Chassis No: 213.048
Body: ECW B45F Body No: 13331


Aug 63 In service with Bristol Omnibus Company Limited, Bristol (2578)
<Oct 64 Transferred to Weston-Super-Mare
Oct 65 Out of service with Bristol Omnibus Company Limited, Bristol (2578)
Oct 65 In service with Bath Tramways Motor Company Limited, Bristol (2578)
Dec 69 Out of service with Bath Tramways Motor Company Limited, Bristol (2578)
Dec 69 In service with Bristol Omnibus Company Limited, Bristol (2578)
<Jan 71 Repainted in OMO livery with Bath Services fleetnames
Jul 71 Fitted with alternate hopper and sliding window ventilators
Oct 74 Repainted in NBC livery
Nov 76 Carried Bristol fleetnames
Feb 78 On loan to South Wales Transport Company Limited, Swansea
May 78 Returned to Bristol Omnibus Company Limited, Bristol
May 78 Transferred to Weston-Super-Mare
Jul 78 Out of service with Bristol Omnibus Company Limited, Bristol (2578)
Dec 78 Paul Sykes Organisation Limited, Barnsley (dealer)
Mar 79 G Jones, Carlton (dealer)