BRX 911

Home History Specification Survivors Fleet No Chassis No Operators Contractors Organisations Mobile Homes What's New

Operator: Thames Valley Fleet No: 395
Chassis: Bristol K5G Chassis No: 53.6
Body: ECW L24/24R Body No: 6356


Sep 39 In service with Thames Valley Traction Company Limited, Reading (395)
Oct 48 Refurbished by T W Caewood & Son, Doncaster
Oct 53 Out of service with Thames Valley Traction Company Limited, Reading (395)
Apr 54 In service with Eastern National Omnibus Company Limited, Chelmsford (1002)
<Jun 58 Out of service with Eastern National Omnibus Company Limited, Chelmsford (1002)
Jun 58 A M C C Limited, Stratford E15 (dealer)

Owner : Eastern National 1002

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) David Gilliard