FFM 447

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Operator: Crosville Fleet No: MB266
Chassis: Bristol K6A Chassis No: W3.098
Body: ECW L27/28R Body No: 1104


May 46 In service with Crosville Motor Services Limited, Chester (MB266)
May 58 Fleet number changed to DKA266
May 58 Rebodied with ECW L27/28R (3881) (ex M15 - FM 9051)
May 58 Old body: Scrapped
1962 Out of service with Crosville Motor Services Limited, Chester (DKA266)
Oct 62 Atomic Power Constructions Limited, London WC1 (6) (contractor) - Based at Trawsfynydd
Oct 64 W Norths (PV) Limited, Sherburn-in-Elmet (dealer)
1965 Jackson Bros, Bradford (dealer)
<May 65 Scrapped