PFW 939

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Operator: Lincolnshire Fleet No: 2457
Chassis: Bristol SC4LK Chassis No: 141.033
Body: ECW B35F Body No: 9005


Feb 58 In service with Lincolnshire Road Car Company Limited, Lincoln (2457)
1971 Out of service with Lincolnshire Road Car Company Limited, Lincoln (2457)
Oct 71 S Twell, Ingham (dealer)
  Unidentified School
<Jun 74 G Laming, London
Jun 77 Pritchett, Folkstone
<Feb 91 Rother Valley Transport Society, Sheffield
<Sep 97 Pritchett, Folkstone
<Dec 00 Tony Simpson, Killamarsh
Dec 13 M Skevington
<Dec 14 Three Counties Bus & Commercial Vehicle Society
c..Apr 18 Unidentified Owner, Isle of Sheppey

Status: Survivor


Owner : Lincolnshire 2457

Location : Northiam Station

Date : Not Known


(C) Graham Walker