The History of the Bristol SC

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The Bristol SC (small capacity)  was a joint venture between Bristol Tramways and Carriage Company Limited/Bristol Commercial Vehicles Limited  and Eastern Coach Works (ECW) for a small capacity coach and bus The SC was produced between 1954 and 1961.

There were various types of SC developed:

Bus B35F
Coach C33F

They were powered by an 4 cylinder Gardners[1]

There were 323 Bristol SC's built. The SCs were delivered to the following operators:

Operator No of Vehicles
  Crosville 79  
  Cumberland 5  
  Eastern Counties 88  
  Eastern National 22  
  Lincolnshire 113  
  Red & White 4  
  Thames Valley 5  
  United Counties 6  
  United Welsh 1  

[1] 725 APU, an SC prototype was originally fitted with a Perkins P6 (4.73 litre) engine and designated SCX6P This was later changed to a Gardner 4LW (SC4LK)