OVL 494

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Operator: Lincolnshire Fleet No: 2485
Chassis: Bristol SC4LK Chassis No: 158.029
Body: ECW B35F Body No: 12014


Jun 60 In service with Lincolnshire Road Car Company Limited, Lincoln (2485)
1976 Out of service with Lincolnshire Road Car Company Limited, Lincoln (2485)
Jun 76 Passenger Vehicle Spares (Barnsley) Limited, Barnsley (dealer)
Aug 76 In service with Phillips Motor Services Limited, Holywell
Aug 78 Out of service with Phillips Motor Services Limited, Holywell
Aug 78 In service with S P A Davies, Pontybodkin
Mar 80 Out of serivce with S P A Davies, Pontybodkin
c.1989 E W & J A Jones, Bontnewydd
Aug 04 Chris Brown, Shropshire (Chelveston Preservation Society)
Nov 04 Derek Addlesee, Colsterworth
<Jun 09 E Brewster, Durham
<Aug 10 In service with Tilly's Bus Company Limited, Southwold
Feb 15 Out of service with Tilly's Bus Company Limited, Southwold
Feb 15 Paul Welling, Horsham
  Paul Welling, Chichester
Sep 20 Alan Tebbit, Redruth

Status: Preserved as Brutonian


Owner : Lincolnshire 2485

Location : Melton Mowbray

Date : March 1974


(C) Dick Dapre


Owner : S P A Davies

Location : Bontnewydd depot

Date : October 1989


(C) Claire Pendrous


Owner : Davies

Location : Pontybodkin

Date : July 2004


(C) Ian Wilson


Owner : Tilly's Bus Company

Location : North Parade, Southwold

Date : October 2010


(C) Terry Walker


Owner : Tilly's Bus Company

Location : Southwold

Date : Not Known


(C) Jon Cullen-Thompson


Owner : Tilly's Bus Company

Location : Not Known

Date : February 2015


(C) Paul Welling


Owner : Brutonian

Location : Not Known

Date : November 2015


(C) Paul Welling


Owner : Brutonian

Location : Amberley

Date : April 2016


(C) David Jukes


Owner : Brutonian

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) David Jukes


Owner : Burtonian

Location : Amberley

Date : April 2018


(C) Gerry Tormey


Owner : Brutonian

Location : Anstey Park, Alton

Date : July 2018


(C) Terry Lawson