EWT 386C

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Operator: West Yorkshire Fleet No: SMA17
Chassis: Bristol SUL4A Chassis No: 226.012
Body: ECW B36F Body No: 14549


Jan 65 In service with West Yorkshire Road Car Company Limited, Harrogate (SMA17) - Based at Keighley
Dec 65 Delicensed
Feb 66 Converted to Perkins H6.354 (SUL6P)
Feb 66 Fleet Number changed to SMP17
Mar 66 Relicensed and based at Skipton
Feb 67 Transferred to Keighley
Jul 67 Delicensed
Sep 67 Relicensed and based at Keighley
Nov 69 Delicensed
Jan 70 Relicensed and based at Keighley
Oct 71 Fleet Number changed to 1197
May 72 Transferred to Skipton
Oct 72 Out of service with West Yorkshire Road Car Company Limited, Harrogate (1197)
Oct 73 W Norths (PV) Limited, Sherburn-in-Elmet (dealer)
Jan 74 Thornes, Bubwith
Jan 75 In service Thornes Motor Services, Bubwith (71)
  Repainted in Thornes livery
1985 Out of service with Thornes Motor Services, Bubwith (71)
1985 Thornes, Bubwith
Nov 01 Thornes, Hemingbrough

Status: Preserved as Thornes 71


Owner : West Yorkshire SMA17

Location : Skipton Bus Station

Date : October 1965


(C) West Yorkshire Information Service


Owner : West Yorkshire SMP17

Location : Chester Street Bus Station, Bradford

Date : Not Known


(C) Webmasters Collection


Owner : West Yorkshire SMP17

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Brian Botley


Owner : West Yorkshire SMP17

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Alex Lawson Collection


Owner : West Yorkshire SMP17

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Alex Lawson Collection


Owner : Norths

Location : Sherburn-in-Elmet

Date : 1973


(C) Brian Botley


Owner : Norths

Location : Sherburn-in-Elmet

Date : 1973


(C) West Yorkshire Information Service


Owner : Thornes 71

Location : Not Known

Date : January 1975


(C) West Yorkshire Information Service


Owner : Thornes 71

Location : Bus Station, Selby

Date : June 1975


(C) Phillip Thornes


Owner : Thornes 71

Location : Selby

Date : May 1976


(C) Terry Walker


Owner : Thornes 71

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Neil Halliday


Owner : Thornes 71

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Mark Harrington


Owner : Thornes 71

Location : Hemingbrough

Date : August 2009


(C) West Yorkshire Information Service