EDV 531D

Home History Specification Survivors Fleet No Chassis No Operators Contractors Organisations Mobile Homes What's New

Operator: Western National Fleet No: 676
Chassis: Bristol SUL4A Chassis No: 234.002
Body: ECW B36F Body No: 15998


May 66 In service with Western National Omnibus Company Limited, Exeter (676) - Based at Helston
Aug 72 Based at Falmouth
<May 77 Transferred to Truro
Feb 79 Out of service with Western National Omnibus Company Limited, Exeter (676)
Feb 79 Nightingale - converted to mobile home
  Pierre Gilard, Salisbury

Status: Mobile Home


Owner : Western National 676

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Brian Botley


Owner : Western National 676

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Colin Billington Collection


Owner : Western National 676

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) PM Photography


Owner : Western National 676

Location : Webber Street/Killigrew Street, Falmouth

Date : August 1973


(C) Terry Walker


Owner : Western National 676

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Webmasters Collection


Owner : Mobile Home

Location : Salisbury

Date : March 1988


(C) Pete Moody Collection


Owner : Mobile Home

Location : Salisbury

Date : March 1988


(C) Colin Billington Collection


Owner : Mobile Home

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) Brian Botley


Owner : Mobile Home

Location : Andover

Date : June 1989


(C) Dave Fawcett


Owner : Mobile Home

Location : Andover

Date : June 1989


(C) Dave Fawcett


Owner : Mobile Home

Location : Wiltshire

Date : Not Known


(C) Dave Stooke