YG 8995

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Operator: West Yorkshire Fleet No: 315
Chassis: Bristol GO5G Chassis No: GO5G.17
Body: Eastern Counties L27/26R Body No: 3518


Apr 35 In service with West Yorkshire Road Car Company Limited, Harrogate (315) - Based at York
Nov 35 Transferred to Bradford
Jul 38 Transferred to Leeds
Oct 39 Transferred to Wetherby
Nov 39 Transferred to Leeds
Jul 43 Rebuilt by ECW (ECW Rebuild No. 7813R)
Mar 46 Chassis rebuilt
May 50 Out of service with West Yorkshire Road Car Company Limited, Harrogate (315)
Aug 52 F Cowley, Salford (dealer)
<Aug 60 Norman W Dunn, Wellesbourne (1) (contractor)
  Converted to a Tanker (Tar Spraying)

Owner : West Yorkshire 315

Location : War Memorial, Bridge Road, Kirkstall

Date : Not Known


(C) West Yorkshire Information Service


Owner : Norman W Dunn 1

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) West Yorkshire Information Service


Owner : Norman W Dunn 1

Location : Not Known

Date : Not Known


(C) West Yorkshire Information Service