British Classic Bus Links


Follow the links below to:

bullet Museums, Trusts and Preservation Groups
bullet Bristol Vehicle Sites
bullet Bus Related Sites
bullet Body Manufactures
bullet Photo Collections
bullet Bristol Parts & Spares
bullet Shops
bullet Facebook Sites

Museum, Trust and Preservation Groups

bullet Aire Valley Transport Collection
bullet Aldershot & District Bus Interest Group
bullet Aycliffe & District Bus Preservation Society
bullet Birmingham & Midland Museum of Transport (BaMMOT)
bullet Bristol Omnibus Vehicle Collection
bullet Bristol Vintage Bus Group (BVBG)
bullet City of Portsmouth Preserved Transport Depot (CPPTD)
bullet Cornwall Bus Preservation Society
bullet Eastern Transport Collection
bullet Friends of King Alfred Buses (FoKAB)
bullet Isle of Wight Bus & Coach Museum
bullet Keighley Bus Museum
bullet Lincolnshire Vintage Vehicle Society (LVVS)  
bullet Provincial Society
bullet Ribble Vehicle Preservation Trust (RVPT)
bullet Scottish Vintage Bus Museum (SVBM)
bullet Southampton & District Transport Heritage Trust (S&DTHT)
bullet Thames Valley & Great Western Omnibus Trust (TV&GWOT)
bullet West Country Historic Omnibus and Transport Trust (WHOTT)

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Bristol Vehicle Sites

bullet General
bullet Bristol Commercial Vehicle Enthusiasts (Rob Sly)
bullet Classic Bristol Buses (Nigel Furness)
bullet Eastern Counties (Patrick Burnside)
bullet Bristol K
bullet History of Bristol K's in preservation (Neil Trump)
bullet Bristol L
bullet History of Bristol L's in preservation (Neil Trump)
bullet Eastern Counties LL711 (KNG 711)
bullet Bristol RE
bullet Red & White RC968 (OAX 9F) (Jonathan Radley)

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Bus Related Sites

bullet General
bullet Cyprus Bus & Coach Images
bullet Sussex Transport Portal
bullet Bus & Coach Photos (Marcel Gommers)
bullet School Bus Routing - History of the School Bus (United States)
bullet Provincial
bullet Provincial Society Web Site
bullet Gosport Buses & Trams
bullet Provincial Enthusiasts Web Site

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Photograph Collection

bullet NA3T - Transport Photos
bullet Seawall Prints

Bristol Parts & Spares

bullet Bristol Spares
bullet Classic Spares (Ian Wonnacott)

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Facebook Sites

bullet Days Gone by in Cheltenham

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